Saturday 12 September 2015

Cool Roof Paints for Pet Animals Shed/Shelters

Cool Roof Paints for Pet Animals Shed/Shelters is designed to combat overheating in exterior walls or metal or asbestos or flat roof buildings, that insulates you from heat, lasts much longer than 7 years, is cost effective and environmentally friendly. Highly reflective in the near infra-red (non-visible) portion of the solar spectrum, thus keeping interiors cool during hot summer months Less thermal impact on roof surface  Flexibility to withstand dynamic motions Greater efficiency from existing air-conditioning plant through reduced peak loads Significant abatement of Greenhouse Gas resulting from the power saved   Environmental responsibility.

Key Benefits
·         Reduction in roof surface temperature of around 17°C on a hot sunny day
·         Maximized Total Solar Reflectance
·         Greatly reduced sub-roof temperature
·         Easy to use and bonding with minimal surface preparation
·         Fast cure at room temperature
·         Aesthetically appealing
·         LOW VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) - Confirms to Green Building norms
·         Cost Effective and Better Performance.

·         Exterior south/south west / west facing walls in buildings exposed to radiation.
·         Warehouses, workshops and garages.
·         Hotels, dairies, stables and farm houses.
·         Industrial sheds kennels and aviaries.
·         Silos, metal tanks, and canopies.
·         Concrete pathways around temples, swimming pool decks and handrails.
·         Overhead water tanks and pipelines that get heated.

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