Tuesday 15 September 2015

Sun Cool Coatings

Sun Cool Coatings is designed to combat overheating in exterior walls or metal or asbestos or flat roof buildings, that insulates you from heat, lasts much longer than 7 years, is cost effective and environmentally friendly. Highly reflective in the near infra-red (non-visible) portion of the solar spectrum, thus keeping interiors cool during hot summer months Less thermal impact on roof surface  Flexibility to withstand dynamic motions Greater efficiency from existing air-conditioning plant through reduced peak loads Significant abatement of Greenhouse Gas resulting from the power saved   Environmental responsibility.

Key Benefits
·         Reduction in roof surface temperature of around 17°C on a hot sunny day
·         Maximized Total Solar Reflectance
·         Greatly reduced sub-roof temperature
·         Easy to use and bonding with minimal surface preparation
·         Fast cure at room temperature
·         Aesthetically appealing
·         LOW VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) - Confirms to Green Building norms
·         Cost Effective and Better Performance.

·         Exterior south/south west / west facing walls in buildings exposed to radiation.
·         Warehouses, workshops and garages.
·         Hotels, dairies, stables and farm houses.
·         Industrial sheds kennels and aviaries.
·         Silos, metal tanks, and canopies.
·         Concrete pathways around temples, swimming pool decks and handrails.
·         Overhead water tanks and pipelines that get heated.

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